Friday, October 31, 2014

Smart Vibration Dashboard (SVD)

SVD is integrated with data management system for real-time data display, the dashboard file can be generated by Smart Vibration Analyzer (SVA).

Smart Vibration Analyzer(SVA)

SVA is a sophisticated package for health monitoring of rotation machines, which allows users to virtually create and instrument rotating machines for vibration monitoring, automatically generates dashboards and configuration files for diagnostic & prognostic analysis.

SmartBBN - Bayesian Belief Network (BBN) Package

BBN is a graphical model that encodes probabilistic relationships among variables of interest.
SmartBBN can be used to create and simulate BBN.  It can take real-time measurement as inputs and be integrated with data management system for real-time failure diagnosis. 


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Vibration & Dynamics

Dynamic Analysis of steel-girder bridges using continuous beam theory

Fig 1. Multi-span continuous bridge under a group of moving forces

Fig 2. Flow chart of Wilson θ integration method

Fig 3. MATLAB software for beam analysis

Runge-Kutta Method (Transient Vibration)

Finite Difference Numerical Computation (Transient Vibration)

Software for WVU Weigh-in-Motion System

Presented By: Yan Luo
Sept. 7, 2006

1. Introduction

WVU Weigh-in-Motion (WIM) System is a system developed in MAE, West Virginia University, in order to estimate static tire loads of a vehicle by measuring the dynam
ic tire forces of the moving vehicle.

Fig.1 Splash Window of the WVU WIM System software

The WIM System is expected to collect and process data received from sensors embedded at the surface of the highway. Data collected by the WIM System can be used in planning, design, operations, and maintenance activities related to both highway pavements and bridges. WIM Systems are also developed for the purpose of collecting truck data in a more efficient manner than by using conventional weighing methods (static weighing).
The purpose of this software is to process and analyze the data obtained by the WIM hardware system. With friendly interfaces, all functions are easy to use.
The software can do statistical analysis based on the original data of one day, one month or even one year. You can easily get the statistical plots, such as Distribution of No. of Axles, Speed Distribution, Axle-Weight Distribution, Gross-Weight Distribution, and etc.
The change of battery voltage and control-box temperature for one day period can be easily observed. Furthermore, classification can be done based on the axle distance.
The console can be accessed by activating HyperTerminal to control the WIM hardware if the computer is connected with the hardware. For some special purpose, the raw data can be loaded and displayed.
A report of the WIM data can be easily created, which can be edited and printed out, and even exported to other formats (Excel, CSV and HTML) for other purposes or further analysis.
Meanwhile, calibration can be easily done through the software.

Fig.2 Function Overview

2. Main Functions

There are four main functions relative to the corresponding buttons in the Main Window (Fig.3):
  • Part I: Statistics (load data and do statistical analysis and classification)
  • Part II: Communicate (invoke HyperTerminal to communicate with the WIM hardware for some special purpose, such as system monitoring & testing, raw data collection, system time settings and so on. The computer needs to be connected with the WIM data collection box by a serial cable)
  • Part III: Data Plot (plot & analysis the raw data)
  • Part IV: Calibration (do WIM system calibration)

Fig.3 Main Window

2.1 Statistical Analysis

In the Statistics Window (Fig. 4), WIM data can be loaded and read, and then series of statistics plots can be created, including Battery Voltage, Temperature, Axle Distribution, Speed Distribution, Axle Weight Distribution and Gross Weight Distribution. And based on axle distance of vehicles, basic classification can be achieved.
Fig.4 Statistical Analysis Window
The following figures are presented as an example of analysis:

Fig.5 Battery Voltage Curve & Temperature Curve

Fig.6 Distribution of No. of Axles & Distribution of Speed

Fig.7 Distribution of No. of Axles & Distribution of Speed

Fig.8 Classification for 5-axle Vehicles
Fig.9 Report for WIM Data Statistical Analysis

2.2 Communication with WIM Hardware

This function can invoke HyperTerminal to communicate with the WIM hardware for some special purpose, such as system monitoring & testing, raw data collection, system time settings and so on. (The computer needs to be connected with the WIM data collection box by a serial cable.)

2.3 Raw Data Plot

The software can read and plot the raw data in the “Data Plot” section. The data plot panel and an example of raw data is shown in Fig.10. In the figure, the original signal from loops and sensors are plotted. For the case, the raw data came from a five-axle truck.
Fig.10 Data Plot Panel & Raw Data of a Five-axle Truck

2.4 Calibration

Calibration can be easily done through the “Calibration” section. The only thing you need to do is to input the wheel weights of the calibration vehicle. After loading the calibration WIM data, the software will calculate the WIM factors automatically, which shorten a lot of time for calibration calculation. Also, the calibration data sheet can be exported to Excel file, which allows you to do further analysis or drawings in Excel.
Fig.11 Calibration Data Sheet
Fig.12 Calibration Data Sheet in Excel

Fig.13 Drawings of Calibration Data in Excel

2D Truss Analysis GUI

A GUI program which can help you to easily solve the 2D truss problem step by step.